Meanie: AKA: Chuck

Baby dwaygun

Friday, November 06, 2009

Uh puzzoh foh u...

U mite have tu fink uhbowt diz puzzow foh uh minnut...

Qwezhtun: Wut iz uh skaow dat may hav 3 dides cawed?
(Question: What is a square that may have 3 sides called?

Duh wun wiff duh cowwect anzow fuzt winz uh pwiz!



At 7:16 AM, Blogger Unknown said...


At 7:48 AM, Blogger Velvet Ginger said...

The obvious to most people would say triangle, but if it's a SQUARE, and you are still calling it a square,then it is still a square, just because it has 3 sides does NOT mean it doesn't still have 4 sides!
Does that answer your riddle Chuckie?

At 8:01 AM, Blogger Chuck fka: Meanie said...

Noh u boff wong! hehehee

hint: it haz nuffin tu do wiff duh picktow! hehehehehe

At 6:50 AM, Blogger Celebration of Life said...

Oh, I know this riddle! I won't tell though. Shhh!

At 6:52 AM, Blogger Chuck fka: Meanie said...

No Ant Eweee itz nawt uh kulow itz uh foh weow riddow! hehehe

At 10:10 AM, Blogger lolly said...

It's a house! 3 sides and a roof!


At 11:49 AM, Blogger Chuck fka: Meanie said...

No Lolly u bee wong tu! Itz nawt dat!

Dum on u peepow aw mawt.... u dan dit diz puzzoh if u fink hawd enuff!

At 5:11 PM, Blogger Velvet Ginger said...

Ok my asnwer had nothing to do with that dang picture...and what I wrote is true!!! (so there chuckie boy!)

At 7:13 AM, Blogger Chuck fka: Meanie said...

Ohtay mee taow u butt no wun ditz duh pwiz!

Dun anzow is: Meow (meal)
Uh skuaow meow... hehehhehe

me dotz yuh!


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